SonyQuality Standard
CreativeStyle None
Rotation Horizontal (normal)
SceneCaptureType Standard
ModifyDate 2008:08:19 19:09:36
FocusHoldButton Focus Hold
WB_RedLevelsFluorescent (1)1536 20 37408 14409 128 32896 256
ISOSetting Auto
Teleconverter None
WhiteBalance Auto
DynamicRangeOptimizer Standard
ExposureCompensation (1)0
ColorTemperature (2) 5500
ColorCompensationFilter 0
ColorSpace (1) sRGB
ExposureMode (2) Auto
WhiteBalanceSetting Auto
FlashExposureComp 0
ExposureCompensationModeAmbient and Flash
ControlDialSet Shutter Speed
ResolutionUnit inches
WB_BlueLevel6500K 52
CompressedImageSize 260363
FNumber (2) 6.4
InteropIndex R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
BrightnessValue 7.12
BatteryState Low
FlashExposureIndicator Not Indicated
FrameNumber 0
AFStatusCenterHorizontalBack Focus (+262)
LensType (1) Minolta/Sony AF DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (D)
WB_RedLevelsFluorescent 1536 20 37408 14409 128 32896 256
WB_BlueLevelsCloudy 37816 280 4128 2128 3136 320 512
BrightnessValue (2) 7.125
MeteringMode Multi-segment
ExposureIndicator 0
ColorCompensationFilter (3)0
YResolution (2) 72
ExifImageHeight 1280
AFSensorActive Center Vertical
WB_RedLevelsDaylight 4096 4097 10256 64 0 34890 512
MeasuredLV 7.125
WB_RBLevelsFlash (1) 1057 3
DigitalZoomRatio 0
DynamicRangeOptimizer (1)Standard
WB_RBLevelsCustom 24 148
ISO 100
WB_RBLevelsFlash 4096 65
FocusMode AF-A
ExposureTime 1/100
WB_RBLevelsDaylight 64 8320
WhiteBalanceBracketing (1)Low
ColorCompensationFilter (2)0
WB_RedLevelsTungsten 0 4096 32768 20480 1550 1056 0
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
AFStatusCenterVertical Back Focus (+309)
ExposureProgram Program AE
WB_RGBLevels (1) 457 256 482
WB_BlueLevelsFluorescent (1)1024 4098 132 8200 32960 520 49664
Contrast (1) Normal
FocusLocked Continuous Focus
InternalSerialNumber 702142016700
ZoneMatchingMode Off
ColorMode (1) Standard
SelfTimerTime 10 s
ImageStabilization On
Compression JPEG (old-style)
AEMeteringSegments 6.125 5.5 5.875 7.5 7.625 7.25 7 5.75 5.25 6.125 7.125 7.5 7.5 7.625 7.375 6.25 5.375 6.125 7 7.5 7.625 7.375 7.25 7.375 6.375 5.625 6.5 7.125 7 7.25 6.875 7.25 7.125 6.25 5.875 6.625 6.625 6.875 6.875 6.625
ExposureCompensationMode (1)Ambient and Flash
FNumber 6.3
RedEyeReduction On
InstantPlaybackTime 2 s
TiffMeteringImage (Binary data)
ExposureBracketingIndicatorLastNot Indicated
ISO (1) 100
RecordDisplay Auto Rotate
MaxApertureValue 5.6
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 90 mm
MeteringMode (1) Multi-segment
FlashMetering ADI (Advanced Distance Integration)
SingleFrameBracketing Low
WB_BlueLevelsKelvin 80 1025 64 160 35076 49158 49344 8512 288 48 14400 10 8 192 32 33088 16646 1032 64 8192 2 4131 0 320 24580 17792 0 3088 12288 12545 8224 0 0 138 520 128 256 34052 1200 4108 160 16386 64 1536 576 277 32776 144 4108 5152 0 16388 33792 8192 2 4740 42112 72 1056 0 9 4248 8 12416 1025 40960 16384 2228 0 1090 12354 21568 0 6784 0
AutoBracketOrder 0 - +
WB_RGBLevels 457 256 482
SceneMode Auto
SonyModelID DSLR-A100
AFPoint Auto
ExifImageWidth 1920
ImageStabilization (2) On
ColorTemperatureSetting Temperature
SceneType Directly photographed
PlayDisplay Auto Rotate
ExposureTime (1) 1/108
NoiseReduction On
SceneMode (1) Auto
WB_RedLevelsShade 3073 4 4608 36928 4172 6368 136
PreviewImage (Binary data)
WhiteBalance (1) Auto
PreviewImageStart 315413
WB_RedLevel6500K 34832
ShutterSpeedSetting 1/256
CustomWBSetting Setup
AFPointSelected Center
WhiteBalanceBracketing Off
WB_BlueLevelsDaylight 9232 2068 8194 8320 57920 128 516
ColorMode Standard
WB_RedLevelsKelvin 1034 1296 8448 113 9218 1288 65 516 24641 16530 2 1040 1026 256 49152 320 1 34818 10 16386 1058 4 0 1048 4226 0 33826 8448 32816 0 4101 4116 67 193 1536 16896 1024 34856 16513 256 5 33024 37384 12290 40 577 1 36916 513 9216 98 0 20 512 0 8192 8228 0 320 128 4 96 4096 1024 33953 53504 20546 16672 336 384 1024 1 2432 2080 12356
AELButton Hold
CustomWBGreenLevel 0
AFAssist On
WB_RedLevel3500K 8576
AFAreaMode Wide
HighSpeedSync Off
Saturation Normal
MeteringOffScaleIndicatorWithin Range
EyeStartAF On
WB_RBLevelsDaylight (1) 64 8320
WhiteBalanceFineTune (1)0
ContinuousBracketing Low
WB_RBLevelsShade 36928 1024
ColorTemperature (1) Auto
ColorCompensationFilter (1)0
FreeMemoryCardImages 1198
Contrast Normal
Orientation (1) Horizontal (normal)
ExposureTime (2) 1/108
ColorTemperature 0
CardShutterLock Off
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
FlashExposureCompSet 0
ZoneMatching (1) ISO Setting Used
FlashExposureComp (1) 0
AFStatusBottom-left Out of Focus
ImageStabilization (1) On
Model DSLR-A100
WBBracketShotNumber 0
DriveMode (1) Continuous
LensShutterLock On
AFStatusTop-right Front Focus (-33)
AFStatusActiveSensor Back Focus (+309)
FlashMode Auto
ExifVersion 0221
WB_BlueLevelCustom 148
ImageStabilization (3) On
FNumber (1) 6.4
FocalLength 60.0 mm
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
WB_RBLevelsCoolWhiteF 16448 33178
LensType (2) Minolta/Sony AF DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (D)
FileFormat JPEG
FlashType Off
FlashExposureIndicatorNextNot Indicated
DriveMode Continuous
WB_BlueLevelsShade 45074 0 33808 1024 512 4112 16
Saturation (1) Normal
CustomWBBlueLevel 0
ColorTemperature (3) 5500
AFAreaMode (1) Wide
WB_RBLevels6500K 34832 52
ImageDescription SONY DSC
Flash Auto, Did not fire
CompressedBitsPerPixel 8
ThumbnailOffset 40324
WB_RedLevelsCloudy 4 2048 1024 32800 32896 4160 144
PresetWhiteBalance Daylight
LensType Minolta/Sony AF DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (D)
Rotation (1) Horizontal (Normal)
SonyImageSize Small
YResolution 72
WhiteBalance (2) Auto
ExposureCompensation 0
ExposureMode Auto
ThumbnailLength 2348
LightSource Unknown
RawAndJpgRecording Off
FlashDefault Auto
WB_RBLevels3500K 8576 32769
PreviewImageLength 20976
ColorMode (3) Standard
WB_RBLevelsCloudy 32800 2128
AFStatusTop-left Out of Focus
InstantPlaybackSetup Image and Information
AELock Off
AFAreaIllumination 0.3 s
InteropVersion 0100
MakerNoteVersion MLT0
CustomWBError OK
Sharpness (1) Normal
WB_BlueLevel3500K 32769
DriveMode2 Continuous
CustomWBRedLevel 0
SubjectArea 960 640 163 194
FlashFunction No flash
MonitorDisplayOff Automatic
MinoltaQuality Standard
AFStatusRight Out of Focus
CreateDate 2008:08:19 19:09:36
GainControl None
YCbCrPositioning (1) Centered
FlashExposureIndicatorLastNot Indicated
ColorSpace sRGB
WB_RedLevelsFlash 4104 8192 138 1057 10 11 48
FlashpixVersion 0100
AFStatusBottom-right Back Focus (+71)
ApertureSetting 5.7
YCbCrPositioning Centered
AELExposureIndicator Not Indicated
ExposureMode (1) Auto
AFStatusTop Back Focus (+3)
ImageStabilization (4) On
AverageLV 6.75
BrightnessValue (1) 7.125
WB_BlueLevelsFluorescent1024 4098 132 8200 32960 520 49664
FocusModeSwitch AF
ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
WB_BlueLevelsFlash 17669 160 8200 3 8194 33865 33281
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
AFStatusBottom Front Focus (-80)
FileSource Digital Camera
ResolutionUnit (2) inches
ColorMode (2) Standard
WB_RedLevelCustom 24
Software DSLR-A100 v1.04
WB_GBRGLevels 256 482 457 256
AFStatusMiddleHorizontalBack Focus (+262)
WB_BlueLevelsTungsten 2048 0 16576 41040 32 8195 8240
WB_RBLevelsTungsten 20480 41040
DateTimeOriginal 2008:08:19 19:09:36
Sharpness Normal
MaxAperture 5.9
AFStatusLeft Front Focus (-183)
CustomRendered Normal
FocusDistance 0.68 m