Fariz Nadir R.
I am Fariz Nadir Rzayev and I would like to present my portfolio for your attention. A little bit about myself. I was born on September 2nd 1991, in Baku, a capital of beautiful country of flames, Azerbaijan. I started with painting from my early childhood, and then I gradually started with photography. I went to Gymnasium of Arts at the age of 14, and that was the time when i realized that this was my purpose in life. Why? Because it simple made me happy. After graduation, I moved to the northern capital of the Europe, Oslo, Norway, to the country of Vikings. Here I in Norway, I decided to create something special and new. At the moment, I am studying at the «Bilder Nordic School of Photography», the biggest school of photography in Scandinavia. I posses my small world, which is called FNR Art Studio. «F» for Fariz, «N» for Nadir, «R» for Rzayev. Every day I am in search of something new. And now, I am presenting my works to you. For me, photography is above all. We all will leave this world one day; however, photography, art and what we have created will live forever…
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BilderNordic School of PhotographyNorsk Journalistlag
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