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Kjøper inn 250 Leaf Aptus 22 bakstykker...!

Elmsford NY, July 21, 2006: The Hallmark Institute of Photography (Turners Falls, MA, USA), has announced that each student enrolled in its extensive 10-month photography program will be provided with a Leaf Aptus 22 Digital back for use during the term.
Jan Lederman, President of Leaf America stated, “Education today is very different than it was just a few years ago. With
technology changing so fast, the same old equipment can no longer be used to prepare students for a career in professional
photography. Changing times require an updating of the tools in teaching, just as the tools of the trade change. With this
commitment to their students, Hallmark reinforces their commitment to the students and to the industry as a whole”
The new Leaf Aptus 22 backs will be installed and ready for the students use when classes begin in September 2006.

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