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Pressemelding: "APS star" films from Agfa

Leverkusen, April 2003 - "APS star" is the name of the new film generation that Agfa will be marketing from May onwards. The perfect quality achieved by its technological enhancements will make photos even more fun. The new product name "APS star" enables consumers to quickly and reliably identify the APS film system. Both the new packaging design and the marketing concept of the new film generation, with the slogan "Pictures of happiness", are consistently geared to the emotional experience of photography.
The technological advances are based on Agfa EYE VISION technology, which has been improved once again and now has SXM (Surface eXtended Multistructured) crystals in all dye layers, not just in the red layer as was previously the case. The result is natural, precise colours in all ranges, which come even closer to the colour perception of the human eye. The increased homogeneity of the SXM crystals also guarantees more uniform print quality.
The new blue-green coupler makes for greater tonal separation in the entire red range, from yellow-orange to violet.

Together, the new SXM and coupler technologies produce visibly enhanced depth. Prints from the new "APS star" look very vivid and life-like as a result.

The new "APS star" packaging design concentrates on conveying the emotional experience of photography - which, according to market studies, is the focus of all photography. Consequently, the completely re-designed, high-quality and eye-catching packaging picks up on this experience and addresses consumers' emotions directly with appealing pictures. The new design of the packaging and the new name “Agfa star” convey the value of the product. In addition, the bright packaging colours guarantee attention and an eye-catching effect when displayed in the shops. Key customer information, such as the film speed and number of exposures, is clearly emphasised, along with the explicit note "For all APS cameras", while easily comprehensible pictograms illustrate the fields of use of the two "APS star" films. This design and the new product name came way out on top in terms of customer preference in international packaging tests.

The new "APS star" films will be available in speeds of ISO 200 and ISO 400 with the customary number of exposures. Agfa offers a wide range of POS materials to enable retailers to draw attention to the new films, including posters, floor displays, counter dispensers and window stickers.

Dr. Ralf Büscher
Agfa-Gevaert AG
Press and PR CI
Tel. ++49 (0) 214 30-54433
Fax ++49 (0) 214 30-54613

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