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Pressemelding: Agfa upgrades reversal films

Leverkusen, April 2003 - Starting in May, Agfa's CTprecisa reversal films will feature a new look and optimised production technology. The new attractive and eye-catching presentation immediately communicates the most important information, while a typical motif for a slide instantly identifies the contents as a reversal film.
Agfa's CTprecisa films offer maximum precision for colour slides, possessing extreme definition and fine grain in both of the available speeds, ISO 100 and ISO 200. Their high maximum densities and exactly linear colour density curves produce extraordinary precision in key photographic properties:

Faithful, natural colour reproduction - both of bright colours and of delicate shades.

Good colour balance. The critical grey shades are free of colour casts - from pure white to deep black.

Exact colour discrimination - for fine nuances of detail, even in difficult areas with highlights and shadows.

Outstanding process stability - for highly dependable results, not only in the standard process, but also when pushed, resulting in a correspondingly wide range of use.

CTprecisa films will be available in 35 mm format for 36 exposures. Agfa will provide POS material for retailers for the changeover.

Dr. Ralf Büscher
Agfa-Gevaert AG
Press and PR CI
Tel. ++49 (0) 214 30-54433
Fax ++49 (0) 214 30-54613

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