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Manson DL-1
Nok en ny el-gitar er i hus etter lang ventetid. Jeg jubler og dama fortviler...
  • Nikon D300s
  • Sigma 105mm Macro
  • Brennvidde105mm
  • Blenderf/8
  • Lukker1/60s
  • Nei
  • AnnetISO 400 håndholdt med blitz.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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Kritikker (3)
Lone M.

Flott av den nye gitaren din Ole Petter!. Detaljert og fint. Ja lidenskapen seirer som regel he he. Lone :)
Georg K.

A marco I like - when looking at it I start right away to think about the different options of main focus etc. - there are options, and it is up to individual taste to choose - but I like the subject, idea - and the tone / colours in your photo.
I think the small blueish area under the corner in the right is just suboptimal - from my point of view.
Ole Petter J.

Takk for det Lone! Ja litt lidenskap er viktig i hverdagen vår:-) Vi lever visst bare én gang.

Thank you for your comment and thoughts Georg. I can really see your point with the blue spot in the upper right. It is a tad disturbing and is kind of breaking up the color tones and unity of the picture.
If you were to place focus any other way in the shot, where would it be? Always educational to hear the opinions of others. Thanks.
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