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2020.03.17 Vindusutsikt under Covid-19 karantene. Trist lesing på virus-statistikken.

Stuck inside by Covid-19 quarantine, one gets sufficient time to ponder a lot. Of life, nature, and all their ramifications. Perhaps too much time? Thinking can hurt, too.

It's eerily quiet outside and only occasionally a child or its parents can be spied moving around. The playground across the road is empty all through the day.

I put the old Fisheye 10mm f/5.6 OP on my modified Z6 and shot some depressing snapshots out the window. Then back to the computer and read the latest Coronavirus statistics from the JHU Dashboard. On a per capita basis, Norway is in the top tier to suffer from Covid-19 impact. Even more depressing. I'm a transgender and need to be out in society at large. Not stuck here alone, inside in my apartment.
  • Nikon Z 6
  • 10 mm f/5.6 OP-Fisheye-Nikkor
  • Brennvidde10.0mm
  • Blenderf/22
  • Lukker1/30s
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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