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Indegenious in Mexico
Came in contact with Sergio Castro Martines through Museo de Trajes Regionales when we where in San Cristobal de las Casas. He is a remarkable man that has been helping the indians in Chiapas for a long time. He is by training an agricultural engineer, teacher and veterinarian. However, by nature he is a true humanitarian, ethnologist and polyglot. Sergio has spent more than 45 years helping to build schools, develop water treatment systems and provide wound care for burn victims for the many indigenous cultures and Mexican people of Chiapas.I was hoping to be able to follow him for a day or two in his work but due to circumstances in the community, he was postponing all his visits for some days. We used our time instead to take a horseback ride up to Chiapilla and strolled around there for some time. I got this image of a native at the town office building. This was a shot from the hip. Lucky one as such but much to my liking.

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