Midnight Sheep
During a midnight trip around Andoya I came across this surreal scene.
  • Canon 20D
  • Canon EFS 17-85
  • Blender-
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Ellisif N.
Dette var sauer i en uvanlig setting:) Liker måten de har stilt seg opp på; sjefssauen med bjellen står og holder fortet, så to stykker som står vendt andre veien med snudd hode og til slutt en som står vendt andre veien og ser helt chill ut.
Veldig bra fanget og underlig og mystisk stemning (kanskje fordi sauer på en sandstrand er et surreelt syn for en som er norsk:).

Jeg blir ikke lei av å se på det. Veldig bra:)

Fred S.
I would have cropped the sky, and removed half of it. Otherwise a very fascinating photo, the sheep`s peculiar stance is very intriguing, and also amazingly organised, and the way two of the sheep are looking in opposite directions makes for a perfect composition. Like it a lot.

regards Fred
Henrik Eidem K.
Do you prefer English or Norwegian feedback?

How much did you have to pay the sheep to make them pose like this? ;-) This is an amazing picture in all it's simplicity. I guess that luck have to take some of the honor for both the formation of the sheep and the bright cloud, but of course, some times the major role of the photographer is to see the beauty and capture it. And you definitely have done a good job at that.

I also like the color tones.

|-| e |\| r | K
Thor S.
Wow - Spooky Sheep!
Flott formasjon på dyrene, og lyset gir en særdeles uvirkelig stemning.
Sauer ER virkelig ålreite dyr - anbefales!

Joakim R.
Dette er veldig bra! Et flott øyeblikk du har fanget her.

Mvh JR
Anne Ø.
Svært bra, artig med sauene i et bilde med
gode sv-hv toner.

S_ K.
Utolig pent og surrealistisk!

Liker måten sauene står sammen i flokk, holder sammen og holder utkikk i forskjellig retning.
Heidi M.

tusen takk for your comments. Yes it was really lucky - I saw the sheep from above and it was such an unusual and beautiful scene that I had to stop the car and walked very careful torwards the sheep. It was short after midnight and very dark but a few moments later the clouds opend up a bit and left the sun through. So I tried to include this stripe of light at the horizon in the picture, and as the sheep built this formation it was perfect.

Thor: Takk for anbefalingen.

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