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Ruben Cordell
Bildet inngår i albumet Ruben Cordell - Ruben Cordell is from Mandal, a small city by the ocean in the south of Norway. He composes all his music on acoustic guitar and Audun Steen writes the lyrics with him. They are a dream team together and make songs they are proud of. The tracks on his debut album are a story about his life. He is inspired by good old music and love to make melancholy and good melodies. He likes to call the music art because it will be here forever. He worked as an co producer with producer Berent Philip Moe to select the perfect debut album with 12 tracks. This was not an easy job because the drawer was full of different songs. After Ruben signed a management deal with Jon Christian Foss in Boheme Entertainment things happend fast. His debut album will be released in Norway 10th of May and his first radio single ''View Divine'' is out 16th of April 2007.
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