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  • Canon 10D
  • Canon 75-300 mm
  • Blender-
  • Nei
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Kritikker (3)
Liv H.

gla' og naturlig portrett! samtidig kunde det vart i en reklame. strikkevarer kanskje...
Georg K.

I think also that it is a good and nice portrait - very natural, very much painted by your fascination of this face.

Lot's of light and so a bit unfortunate expression in the eyes, natural still - and of cause in a way also cute - but taken the possible options of lens and camera - as well as the model into consideration you might could have got more out of it.

Taking this is a kind of snapshot-portrait from a lucky moment in cold, but bright weather it works much better than a classical portrait.

The other thing I don't understand quite right is the crop to the right ?

Small critic's - that's what we gonna paid for - while you can enjoy the pleasure of having made a portrait of a happy face - and a nice face too.
Mikael L.

Håller med! Fint och naturligt porträtt!
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