The door's open but the ride it ain't free
And I know you're lonely
For words that I ain't spoken
But tonight we'll be free
All the promises'll be broken
There were ghosts in the eyes
Of all the boys you sent away
They haunt this dusty beach road
In the skeleton frames of burned out Chevrolets

They scream your name at night in the street
Your graduation gown lies in rags at their feet
And in the lonely cool before dawn
You hear their engines roaring on
But when you get to the porch they're gone
On the wind, so Mary climb in
It's a town full of losers
And I'm pulling out of here to win
Bildet inngår i albumet Bruce Springsteen - tekster som titler
  • Canon eos 3
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  • Brennvidde50mm
  • Blenderf/1.4
  • Filmtypeilford xp2 super
  • Nei
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  • KategoriMennesker
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger841
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Kritikker (7)
Adrian H.
Synes du får veldig mye ut av lite her. Kult bilde!

Avsluttet .
Thunder Road er unektelig en klassiker. Liker disse ''tekster som titler''-bildene dine. Sammen med underteksten fungerte dette godt synes jeg. Uten tekst, ville det kanskje blitt litt mere ett reklametype foto.
Espen Stranger S.
Gut, gut!
Paal A.
Det funker!
Jan K T.
Enig med Tommy i at bildet fungerer mye bedre sammen med teksten, og det er akkurat det du er så flink til i mange av dine bilder; å fortelle en historie med bildene dine!

Eneste jeg har å utsette på dette bildet er at kroppen er utbrent i overkant av buksa og glir i ett med bakgrunnen.

Bra jobba!
Georg K.
long time ago I was thinking about Sringsteen, but ok - nice interpretation.
Like your picture here, could work for me also without this link, more in direction of lifestyle beyond the most obvious association’s.
Agree with the comment about the utbrent upper part, like the details of the jeans and think the contrast could maybe have been stronger if the legs wouldn't been crossed ?

As a total composition - text and picture for sure a nice work :)
Christer B.
Fin balanse og ikke minst ordspill i tittelen.
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