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  • AnnetTripod mounted camera with ring flash.
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Ask Andreas B.

Her hadde jeg droppet smykkene. Alt for stort vannmerke. Blikket sitter. Og skarpheten sitter brukbart. Igjen, Dropp stativ og ringblits ved portrett fotografering, hvertfal hvis du vil ha noe annet enn et "passbilde".

Ask Andreas B.

Her hadde jeg droppet smykkene. Alt for stort vannmerke. Blikket sitter. Og skarpheten sitter brukbart. Igjen, Dropp stativ og ringblits ved portrett fotografering, hvertfal hvis du vil ha noe annet enn et "passbilde".

ian w.

Now let me explain this image so you will be able to see further than the end of your nose.
1. The shoot was for some not so good hand made jewelry. So the jewelry had to be there.
2.The watermark was requested by the client. What they want, they get!
The 'eye' is a kind of trade mark I use which clients like/want for certain shoots. What they want, they get!
The image was shot razor sharp, however the client asked for a softer look. What they want they get!
As for the ring flash, well they are very easy to use and the results are not very different from using two soft boxes. Sometime I use the three in combination..heaven forbid.
Those are the facts. I follow clients wishes because they are paying the money. The shoot was photographed straight into a laptop so the client saw the images in large format imediately. This saves much time. And funnily enough I quite like some of the results.
Now a question or two for you.
Are you a professional photgrapher?
Do you take pictures for money?
Do you have any clients who pay money?
If so, do you shoot what the client wants, or what you think they want?
I hope the above clarification of my images calms you down so that you will enjoy your Christmas ;-)
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