birds in the morning sky he-he
  • canon EOS 500D
  • canon S18-55
  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/125s
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  • KategoriHumor
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger78
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Lars Ivarson F.

sånn kan det også vere livet som fuglefotograf..humoriktig..gromt
Tove H.

Hehe...ja hva skal man si? Takk for smilet!

Håvard F.

Hehe ikke dum denne Milos ;)
Olav Ø.

Nice picture. I would have cropped a bit on both sides, then it is a bit much.

Closed. olav
Eva Marie P.

:) jepp, this birds is easy to catch :)
funny picture.
Nice colour in the sky that is reflekting in the birds.
Milos K.

Hei Lars, Tove, Havard, Olav and Eva,
thank you for the comment and stopping at my picture,
I wanted you to send a little smile :) he-he
milos k
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