my best work
my son ,just 55 days old.
  • canon 30D
  • leica 28-70
  • Blender-
  • Nei
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Kritikker (2)
Fredrik T.

Ni Hao!
You deserve more feedback on your pictures!
I like this one, the contrasts between the light and shadows, and the fur and child are very pleasing. A little minus thou on the polka dot pattern appearing in the lower left side of the picture.


Fredrik (Fu)
Anne-Lise S.

The innocence of childhood it is a marvellous thing
And all children are untainted in their life's early Spring
But by the time they've reached their teens their innocence they've lost
And the experience that we gain from age always comes at a cost.

When children lose their innocence they lose their gift of joy
The joy that comes from innocence in every young girl and boy
Compared to us young children see life quite differently
Of the guilt of corruption they are completely free.

Francis Duggan

Your best work, you say, and I do agree! Our children is really our best work ever!

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