Bytaket (Byhaven Trondheim)
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  • Lagt inn: 2009-03-18 00:33:45
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Torbjørn V.
Artig motiv. Det så neste litt urealistisk ut - som en dukkeby eller lignende. Bra komposisjon og det passer med blåtonene kontra den litt varmere andre siden i bildet.

Mvh Toby
Georg K.
Interesting architecture, haven't seen this before - but I'm very rarely in Trdh.
Like the time you have chosen to take this image, the special light situation is surely adding to the impression, or better the contrast between the warmer, bended wall and the colder, traditional square shapes.
Of course the small path through - working as a guiding line throughout the image - which is at the same time probably the most conventional solution in this image.
Not negative - and it also is noted that this line of course offers the build-up for the contrast.

If the bended wall on the right side is continuing, I believe it might have been one idea to create some more ''dynamic'' to try exactly the opposite, meaning less wall on the left side, and more on the right side.
Just intuitive response, no based on any rules etc.

Aina s.
Hei. Takk for kommentarer!
Torbjørn, enig i det at det kan virke litt urealistisk. For min del synes jeg det er som å komme til en landsby i syden midt i Trondheim (bortsett fra været).
Stedet er relativt lite, som en lukket øy på toppen av et kjøpesenter.
Georg, thanks for your comment. The place is a restricted area on the roof of a shopping center. I think very few people in Trondheim have seen it.
The special light situation, I must admit, is mostly due to curves. I have darkened the image quite much. But nice that you like it. As you both comment, the warmer side in contrast to the colder blue side, is a nice artistic decision made by the architect. The right side continue, but not very far - this is almost the whole ''street''. Next time I will try to take the photo from a different angle as Georg suggest.
My picture ''Lysende hjerte'' is also from this place. If you find it among my older photos, the light around the lamp shows a heart on the wall. I don´t know if this was intended by the architect (in my photo that is also due to darkened curves), but if it was his/hers intention, that would be just another brilliant architectural detail.

Mvh Aina
anders s.
jepp dette ble et pent bilde spør du meg
liker godt lyset og linjene i bildet
mvh anders
neil robert jones f.
Hei Aina, veldig bra bilde, spesielt komp og lys.
Det er noen serialistisk med de forsjeldeig arkitektur formen og lys forhold syners jeg.
Mvh. Neil
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