Oslo Bygg
Konserthuset, Oslo
  • -
  • -
  • Brennvidde13mm
  • Blenderf/5
  • Lukker1/60s
  • FilmtypeISO 100
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
Annen info
  • KategoriArkitektur
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger157
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (2)
Stephane P.

I guess the dot in the sky is the moon. I like architectural shots when the wall are kept vertical, and here the tilt of the shot does not work for me. Also it is always nice to show the building in its context (how the architect saw this building working with what's around). Nice light on the left side of the building, but the back is in the shadow. Cropping empty sky would be a good idea too.
Kurt G.

Hi Sthephane! thanks for the comments. I like architectural shots as well. Sometimes difficult to shoot to make it interesting sometimes. In this case i tried to make straight lines in the left side balance the picture, and yes, the dot in the sky is the moon. Do you recommend to crop the sky totally as much as possible?

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