I et smug i Barcelona kom jeg over en lekende gruppe unge mennesker, som plutselig til min glede vendte seg mot mitt kamera og ble wannabegangsters. Samtidig: forargelse da det var umulig å stille in kamera perfekt/godt nok. Men liker gutten til venstre her:-)
Bildet inngår i albumet Barcelona - Ulike motiv fra reiser til Barcelona
  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2006-06-19 23:32:52
    Versjon #2
  • Nikon D70
  • Sigma 10-20 mm f4-5.6 DC HSM
  • Brennvidde10mm
  • Blenderf/4.5
  • Lukker1/10s
  • Nei
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  • KategoriGatefotografi
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger385
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Kritikker (5)
Georg K.

And I still don't know these moves :(
Splendid indeed - there are many things I would love to mention as positive remarks - assuming that this isn't really that helpful since already chosen by you.

Still - take it as support - support for the cut-off fourth guy - support for the vantage-point I normally don't like that much when thinking about images of kids - support for the ''street-scene'' - which really suits the image in this case - and I absolutely agree with you - the main issue of this image is probably the pictured attitude - and anti-attitude - while both are earning respect ( even though the none-participating guy is probably the one getting the most sympathies - but he offers actually the real depth in this image - he has a very different reaction towards the action going on - he is the one who is much more searching for a reliable connection with the guy behind the camera ( in this case you ) looking sort of sceptical - from a distant.

The only part I probably would have tried to change - if it than would be mine - is related to the black hole behind the guys - at least a tad more definition would bring this to my understanding central figure better into the image - but this is taste and maybe not even needed.

Real gatefotografie - very nice - and absolute great motif - story with a human touch.
Helge R.

Hei Johan!!
Et bra bilde som Georg har beskrevet med like rosende ord som de jeg kunne gitt deg.
Dette er bra, interesant, fortellende, det er mange ord som må til for å dekker følelsene bildet vekker i meg. Lyset er bra og valget av sepia helt perfekt for dette bildet.
Dette er et bilde fra hvor som helt, unger er unger enten de holder til i en bakgate i Barcelona, eller på Vestlandet. Det er bare synd at så mange unger ikke får anledning til å bli med på leken, hver dag dør like mange unger rundt i verden av sult og sykdom, som det som bor i en middels norsk småby.
Bildet er fengslende, fartsfylt og inspirerende, hilsen
Georg K.

Was just ''standing'' in front of the screen - and suddenly there isn't any black hole anymore - so, please disregard this part of my comment !
Matz S.

Díos mio, man! God start på Barcelona-turen. Slutt å tenk så mye på kamerainnstillinger - det handler om å fortelle historier, viser livet som det er. Dette mestrer du bra med STREETKIDS!
Sepia var bra ja - liker utbrendte områdene. Symboliserer utbrenthet på mange måter - the kids, gata, kanskje en sliten maraton-fotograf...? Ja, mange historier, spørsmål - inspirerende!
Become perfect by not trying to reach perfection, amigo ;-)
Hasta pronto en ese canal!
John Andre A.

Gracias from Barcelona.
Lots of nice words here! It is easy afterwards, thinking: ''If I just brought my flash'', ''what if I...'' etc. But as you point out Matz as well as George, this is reality and stories. These kids just started running, and I more or less kept my finger on the button continuously for 20-30 shots. Then, they looked at the pictures and ran away.
Helge, you asked me to take pictures of youth/kids earlier, so this is a start (in relation to my profession).
Thanks a bunch folks for reflections.
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