Tempelhøyden, Jerusalem
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  • Lagt inn: 2005-07-28 13:15:34
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Kritikker (2)
Judit W.

Hei V!

I like the different sized and coloured cupolas/domes on this photo very much. It seems that they are at random – but it is systematic. The biggest one in the middle has a good contrast with the sky. The gold and the dark-blue together are just amazing! Very good composition and balance! You have a good sense to see the interesting themes as well. Very well done!

Judit :)
Vegard B.

Hi, and thank you for nice critics.
The area at the temple mount in Jerusalem is packed with beautiful domes and buildings. In fact, the whole city is amazing for its historical sites and buildings. This photo is tweaked just a little bit in ps, to get the vivid colours.

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