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Kritikker (4)
Mona R.

113 visninger på så kort tid, men ingen kommentarer..

Bildet passer kanskje bedre i nachspiel serien din enn i streetstealing. øl`en er med på å forklare stemningen og hva som får kvinnen til å blotte seg for kamera, men den stjeler litt mye oppmerksomhet.

spennende snapshot.
Kristoffer L.

Enig med Mona.

Men spennende festdokumentasjon. ;-)

- Kristoffer
Georg K.

138 visinger - still not a long time out :)
Anyhow - playing with the fire, or with the banality of too plain contents ( at least as long as posted by you ) seems, is risky.
When really trying to leave beside all what might be on hand on assembled personal experience, of course tanning such an image right away when connecting - then - if possible at all - then the pure image with it's possible qualities is left.
When looking at your image - and I might should say that I feel a kind of absurd strong sympathy for it - then the first point to mention, to adapt to - if you would like to say '' challenge '' is the blurred, unsharp effect.
This image is not perfect, it is not concentrated, it is not focused on an long lasting observation, it does not conclude - but it is carrying all those points which make the often neglected '' snap-shots '' so attractive - as long as done by someone with a photographic view.
Now, as the viewer in question - and since I'm writing this comment I only consider my own view at this specific moment - in this position I can't relate to the mood, feel ''Nachspiel'' - even though this might have been pictured, like Mona said.
Even ignoring the potential setting - the intriguing part of this image to me is, conscious or not - but it is the caught expression of something what I might describe best with sensuality.
There is certainly beauty in this image - when looking at the mouth, shoulders and the way the holds her head - and this is none-posing posing - there is this part of catching, showing something we all see everyday - and let it pass everyday.
This is to my mind the real quality of this image - you might be disappointed due to the used category '' snapshot '' - then again - what you have been able to snap makes a good image - the precision in observation, the understanding for expressive moves - and your choice of the girl pictured - because it would have been bullshit to ignore her beauty as part of the images quality.
Or - with other words - I like this image and consider it as highly attractive and expressive.
Avsluttet .

Med all respekt for modellen; ut fra det en ser av ansiktsutrykk og kroppsholdning/positur kan det se ut til at den unge damen føler seg meget bekvem med situasjonen og kameraets tilstedeværelse. Jeg opplever bildet som høyst uarrangert; både i seg selv og ut fra din egne undertekst - noe jeg føler bekrefter mine antagelser om et menneske som liker å ''vise seg frem'' for all del, ikke noe galt i det - iallefall ikke for oss mannlige!
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