Norway, Gryllefjord
Was in Norway this summer with the bycicle. That was the most exciting trip in my life! :) Hope to be back next summer.
  • Nikon
  • Digital
  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/60s
  • FilmtypeDigital
  • Nei
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  • Visninger229
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Andy P.

Just want to say my friends :) Please, speak English, I don't understand Norwegian :( Thank you and sorry for inconvinience.

Einar Y.

Sorry about this Andy,but the horizon is definately out of level,makes no sense...
Andy P.

Einar, I'm sory but I don't catch it :) Could you please explain what do you mean saying ''Horizon out of level''? You know, I'm not a profi, so you these words say nothing to me actually :) Sorry again.
Jostein M.

Hi Andy.
What Einar means is that the photo is tilted a bit to the left. You can easy straighten it up using photoshop. Keep on shooting :-)
Regards Jostein
Andy P.

Oh, I see now, thanks. Yes, I thought about that, but seems I forgot to correct. Well, today's evening I'll take care about that, thanks for hint, Jostein :)
May be you know - am I able to replace existing photo with the new one, or add new version of a photo? Unfortunately my knowledge of Norwegian limited with two words and I don't see them on the page :))
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